📁 Experience

Here is some of my professional experience! Feel free to also check out my LinkedIn for more up to date information on where I am working.

✏️ Education

🐻 University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)

B.S. in Computer Science

September 2021 - exp. June 2025

Los Angeles, California

Coursework: Introduction to Programming in C++, Data Structures & Algorithms, Software Construction, Computer Organization, Operating Systems, Computer Security, Secure Computing Systems, Deep Learning & Neural Networks, Computer Network Fundamentals, Computer Architecture, Programming Languages, Compiler Construction, Trustworthy AI, Efficient Cryptography-Based Systems.

💼 Professional Experience

🛰️ Security Software Engineer Intern


September - December 2024

Hawthorne, California

Worked on the Starlink Product Security Engineering Team. More information soon.

🔐 Security Researcher Intern


June - September 2024

Redmond, Washington

Worked on the Global Hunting Oversight and Strategic Triage (GHOST) team. More information soon.

💾 Security Engineer Intern

Trail of Bits

December 2023 - January 2024

New York City, New York

Part of the Winternship program. More information soon.

🔬 Undergraduate Researcher

Computer Security & Privacy Lab at UCLA

November 2022 - present

Los Angeles, California

Currently working on security research advised by Dr. Yuan Tian.

🦅 Software Engineer Intern


June - September 2023

Irvine, California

Worked on the Cloud Ingestion Team. More information soon.

☁️ AI Intern

LatticeWork, Inc.

August 2022 - May 2023

San Jose, California

Worked on the AI & Multimedia Apps Team. Helped to develop the initial version for the LatticeWork License Plate Recognition Network Video Recorder (LPR NVR), a computer vision based IP camera monitoring software helping to track & log automobiles based on license plate recognition. The LatticeWork LPR NVR was developed for the Amber Pro, an edge cloud device & the company's core product, and proprietary machine learning inference acceleration hardware. This later became a core feature of the AmberOS operating system.

📊 Data Science Intern

Renaissance Learning

July - August 2020

New York, New York

Spent 8 week at the Learning Science Internship program. Worked under a data scientist on an independent research project to analyze the impact of unemployment benefits within the United States. Learned data science applications of Python, Git, and Jupyter Notebook and about data sourcing and cleaning.

June - July 2020

New Brunswick, New Jersey

Accepted as a Scholar among the top 72 of NJ high school students with a less than 1% acceptance rate. Published research paper, Integrating Natural Language Processing and Computer Vision into an Interactive Learning Platform, to 2020 GSET Research journal. Developed an educational video conferencing platform with Python that had machine learning features. Research was presented at both the 2020 NJ GSET Symposium and the 2020 MIT IEEE URTC.

🏢 Organizations

🔐 Co-President

ACM Cyber at UCLA

February 2023 - March 2024

Los Angeles, California

Currently helping grow cybersecurity education at UCLA!

⛳️ Team Director

Psi Beta Rho | UCLA

February 2022 - present

Los Angeles, California

Currently leading UCLA's competetive CTF team!

⛳️ CTF Director, Founder

LA CTF 2023

February 2022 - February 2023

Los Angeles, California

Currently managing Psi Beta Rho, UCLA's competitive Capture The Flag (CTF) cybersecurity team. Facilitated weekly practices involving learning industry standard cybersecurity tools such as common Linux programs, Python scripting, reverse engineering tools, and forensics tools. Organized guest speakers and collaborations with other colleges to provide exposure to vast cybersecurity experiences. Managed team members and other students while competing at external CTFs.

🔐 Cyber Officer

ACM Cyber at UCLA

February 2022 - February 2023

Los Angeles, California

Currently helping grow cybersecurity learning at UCLA! Helping organize Cyber Academy, a weekly workshop series promoting cybersecurity fundamentals such as file analysis, cross site scripting, & steganography to about 20-30 computer science students. Facilitated organization's DevOps through weekly deployment of challenges to an AWS EC2 server for events using Git and CI/CD tools. Maintained the Cyber website platform written in Rust and improved documentation for maintenance and deployment. Developed challenges for workshops involving C and common Linux tools.

🔐 Cyber Intern

ACM Cyber at UCLA

November 2021 - February 2022

Los Angeles, California

Helped organize Cyber Academy, a weekly workshop series promoting cybersecurity fundamentals and focusing on forensics for Winter Quarter 2022. Contributed to the weekly cyber newsletter focusing on current trends & tips for cybersecurity. Developed challenges for workshops and CTF After Dark covering cybersecurity tools such as Linux and other forensics tools.